Horace Mann Elementary PTA

H PTA President/Vice Pres
HM PTA President's Welcome Letter 

Dear HM Families,


We are incredibly excited to begin the 2023-2024 school year and to welcome each and every family to our HUSKY STRONG community.   Last year, we saw families come together for important Horace Mann milestones – multicultural week, winter prom, movie nights, and spring carnival, just to name a few.  We were able to share in these celebrations because our families found a way, despite their bustling lives, to devote time and energy to each other and our kids for a common cause.  Each child at Horace Mann is a treasure and deserves to shine with our support.  We invite you to join us as we soar to make our school community the best it can be this year for our children.  Whether through sharing your cultural background at our multicultural week, hands-on volunteering on our campus and/or supporting enrichment programs through donations, we know that our successes come directly from the support of our families. 


The Horace Mann PTA works year-round to support the needs of our students, teachers and staff. All students get to experience our PTA-sponsored programs and events, which not only add to the rich academic curriculum of our school, but will also become some of your student’s fondest childhood memories. Your support of the Horace Mann PTA (both by donating as well as by volunteering) is a direct investment in your own student and in our entire community.

By contributing to the Husky Annual Fund, you become an integral part of the success of all of Horace Mann—plain and simple. Your family’s tax deductible contribution directly supports the PTA’s efforts to enhance the elementary school  experience for each and every one of our students.

We look forward to having you join our HUSKY STRONG community this year!


Melissa Wolf, President

Cindy Waterman, Executive Vice President

HM PTA's Mission


The Horace Mann PTA (Parent Teacher Association) connects families with our school to collaboratively support the school’s vision, mission, and goals.

Community United 

We share a common vision of providing excellence in education that focuses on the whole child. Parental involvement is a cornerstone of our children's education. As we unite new and existing families across Beverly Hills and from different schools, we are committed to work together to demonstrate positive role models for our children's success.


Care for and encourage the growth and development of each child's diverse needs.


Foster and champion our children's passions to become confident and enthusiastic about their dreams.



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