
Horace Mann and Beverly Hills Unified School District strongly encourage students to attend school regularly and to make every attempt to schedule medical and other appointments after the school day concludes. We also encourage our families to make travel plans or absences be avoided during the time when school is in session. Attendance is important as you need to be in school to engage in valuable instruction and grow academically. 


If your child is absent, the following procedures are required for all parents and guardians of all students at Horace Mann Elementary School:  

  1. If your child is absent from school for any reason, you must email the school at [email protected] before 9:30 a.m. on the day of the absence or within 3 days of the student's return from the absence. 
  2.  A written note can also be emailed at [email protected] which includes the following: your child's name, the parent/guardian writing the note and their relationship to the student, the date of the absence, and the reason for the absence. 
  3. Anything related to attendance (absences, tardies, and being picked up early from school) can be emailed to [email protected] and cc the classroom teacher (all staff emails are sent using their first initial, and last [email protected]). Ex, Mr. Craig Bugbee is [email protected]
  4. Each day a child is reported absent, an automated message is sent out to the parents or guardians the day of the absence. Sometimes a student is marked absent when they are tardy and the opportunity to make this change to attendance does not get switched before 9:30 a.m. because our staff is busy teaching once attendance has been taken. Please know that this does happen (especially if your child was tardy), and will be remedied by the end of the day. If you have dropped your child off to school, your child is safe. 
  5. Any absence must be reported within three days of the student's return to school. Any absence not reported within 3 days of their return to school will be considered an unexcused absence. 
  6. Any student who misses 18 days or more (10% or more of the 180 days of the school year) will result in the student being identified as Chronically Absent. This includes excused and unexcused absences. Chronic Absenteeism is reported on the California Department of Education Dashboard. More importantly, Chronic Absenteeism negatively impacts academic achievement and student engagement.