Homework: Wednesday, October 2, 2019
o Week #8 Reading Log - None tonight
o Witches: finish reading chapter 2: p.19-23
o Grammar Unit 2: pp.14; Test is Monday, 10/14
o Get Spelling Unit 2 Test signed, and DO CORRECTIONS on the back page of the test
o Week #8 Reading Log - None tonight
o Witches: finish reading chapter 2: p.19-23
o Grammar Unit 2: pp.14; Test is Monday, 10/14
o Get Spelling Unit 2 Test signed, and DO CORRECTIONS on the back page of the test
o R4-2, and P4-2 (we skipped 4-1; we're coming back to it)
o Get your Topic 3 Test signed and returned
o R4-2, and P4-2 (we skipped 4-1; we're coming back to it)
o Get your Topic 3 Test signed and returned
o None
o None
o None
o None
o TONIGHT: Horace Mann Parent Mixer (see flyer on Google Classroom)
o Thursday: Music @ 8:30 - line up at line 13
Finish your September Busy Packet
o Star of the Week: Yunu, 10/8
o NO SCHOOL: next Wednesday, 10/9