Science Lab
Welcome to the Horace Mann Science Lab!
Horace Mann Scientists will be learning about Life Science, Earth Science and Physical Science in their homeroom classes by utilizing the Next Generation Science Standards. Scientists will also have a Science Lab once a week where they will investigate the key concepts and skills they have learned with exciting hands-on experiences to provide a deeper understanding and appreciation for the world around them.
First Grade Units of Study: Space Systems - The Sun, Moon and Stars; How Animals and Plants Survive; Light and Sound.
Second Grade Units of Study: Interdependent Relations in Ecosystems (Plants/Animals); Structure and Properties of Matter; Earth's Systems: Processes that Shape the Earth.
Third Grade Units of Study: Inheritance and Variation of Traits; Interdependent Relations in Ecosystems; Weather and Climate; Forces and Interactions.
Fourth Grade Units of Study: Molecules to Organisms; Earth Systems/Changes; Energy; Waves and Information.
Fifth Grade Units of Study: Structure and Properties of Matter; Space Systems: Stars and the Solar System; Matter and Energy in Organisms and Ecosystems; and Earth Systems.
Science Lab Teacher