Fifth Grade
Fifth Grade Music Curriculum
Fifth graders receive music instruction from a credentialed music specialist one day per week for 50 minutes. Students learn music concepts through singing games, dances, listening, reading, and writing activities. Instructional goals include:
- sing age-appropriate songs from memory
- match pitch and develop healthy singing voice/head voice
- identify and demonstrate an understanding of pentatonic scales/intervals
- identify and demonstrate an understanding of rhythms including ta, titi, rest, ta-a, tiki-tiki, ti-tiki, tiki-ti, syncopa, ta-a-a-a, half rest, tum-ti (quarter, eighth, half, sixteenth, whole, dotted quarter notes)
- identify and demonstrate melodic notes d, r, m, f, s, l, t, low l, low s and high do,
- identify and demonstrate absolute pitch names of the treble staff
- identify and demonstrate the do, la, so pentatonic scales and the major scale
- move to music while playing simple dances and singing games
Assessment Guidelines
Report Cards are designed to give you an understanding of how well your child is meeting the music standards. Although music encompasses many areas of knowledge and abilities, each grade level will only be assessed on a few integral music skills per quarter. The music score on the report card reflects an average of the specific skills that were assessed for that quarter. It is important to understand that the music grade is no longer a conduct/effort grade, but rather an assessment of your child’s ability to accomplish the given music standard.
An Advanced (4) student will:
- Consistently demonstrate the application of music standards in other situations and areas of learning
- Always participate effectively in all music activities
- Demonstrate mastery of all music skills
A Proficient (3) student will:
- Always participate effectively in all music activities
- Demonstrate mastery of most music skills
A student that is Approaching Proficiency (2):
- Sometimes participates effectively in music activities
- Demonstrates mastery of some music skills
A student that is falling Below Expectations (1):
- Rarely participates effectively in music activities
- Demonstrates mastery of few music skills